Pan-African Consortium

PAC assists supported countries to advance and sustain access to quality-assured HIV laboratory services.

Biosafety and Biosecurity

Initiative to strengthen the biosecurity and biosafety systems of African Union Member States to comply with the International Health Regulations.

Geo-Mapping of Laboratory Capacity

Africa CDC is partnering with the African Society for Laboratory Medicine to map laboratory capacities in Africa and to train national experts in laboratory mapping data collection, analysis and visualization.

National Laboratory Strategic Planning

Engaging African Union Member States to strengthen their laboratory systems and networks through the development and implementation of national laboratory strategic plans.

Advancing Use of Laboratory Diagnostics

Africa CDC and partners launched the Africa Collaborative Initiative to Advance Diagnostics in 2018 to promote the diagnostic agenda in Africa through better-coordinated and synergized efforts.

Laboratory Systems and Networks

Africa CDC is supporting the institution of patient-centred integrated point-of-care diagnostic testing for syndromic management and surveillance at the community level.

One Health Programme

A trans-disciplinary approach to making Africa safer and healthier for humans, animal, plants, and their shared environment