Africa CDC has zero tolerance for misconduct in its programs and operations and seeks to be proactive in addressing any problems arising from project implementation.
In line with international best practice, Africa CDC has established policies regarding:
- Fraud and corruption (see Africa CDC Statement on Anti-Corruption and Zero Tolerance to Fraud);
- Sexual exploitation and abuse and sexual harassment (see Internal Directive on Sexual Exploitation and Abuse and Sexual Harrassment);
- Money laundering and terrorism financing (see Internal Directive on Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the financing of Terrorism); and
- Handling of grievances concerning projects, such as unintended adverse consequences and other types of environmental or social impacts (see Directive on Grievance Redress Mechanisms – Africa CDC )
Our Commitment
It is committed to ensuring that: anyone with concerns about its programs or operations can easily communicate them; concerns are reviewed promptly; action is taken when necessary; and appropriate feedback is given to those reporting the concerns.
- Tel +251 11 551 7700
- Fax +251 11 551 7844
Depending on the nature of the concern, information received through these channels will be referred to appropriate staff in Africa CDC to review.
Reports of observed or suspected fraud or corruption, sexual exploitation and abuse, harassment, money laundering or terrorist financing, or other forms of misconduct by staff, partner organizations, vendors or others engaged in Africa CDC projects will be referred to the African Union Office of Internal Oversight (OIO) (Office of Internal Audit (OIA) | African Union ) for review and possible investigation. Reports may also be directly submitted to OIO.
Please provide as much information as possible to assist with a review of the concern raised and contact information so that Africa CDC can provide feedback and ask follow up questions if necessary. Reports will be treated confidentially and may be made anonymously but, in the absence of sufficient information, anonymous reports may not be acted on.
Africa CDC Complaint and Suggestion Form
Please complete the form below (refer to the drop down options for more information). Should you wish us to contact you, please supply your name and contact information.
- What happen (Please describe the complaint in detail)
- Who (Mention any persons who may be involved)
- When (When did this situation happen)
- Where (Where did this situation happen)
- Compliment description
- Where can we provide your acknowledgement
- What happen (Please describe the potential fraud in detail)
- Who (Mention any persons who may be involved)
- When (When did this situation happen)
- Where (Where did this situation happen)
- Evidence (attach any documentation evidence here e.g. documents, pictures, audio)
- Where can we provide your feedback (leave blank if anonymous)
- What is the question
- To whom is the question addressed (department, person, general)
- Where can we provide your feedback
- Suggestions
- Where can we provide your feedback
- What happen (Please describe the issue in detail)
- Who (Mention any persons who may be involved)
- When (When did this issue happen)
- Where (Where did this issue happen)
- Where can we provide your feedback
Hotline email:
- Rule 18 of the AU Policy on Whistle blowers, which states that “any false or misleading allegation by a whistleblower may constitute misconduct resulting in disciplinary or administrative action against him /her.”
- The Anti Fraud policy also states under section 7 as follows: “CONFIDENTIALITY OF INFORMATION AND PROTECTION OF IDENTITY 13. Staff members, consultants, experts, external collaborators, interns, contractors, suppliers, cooperating parties and any third parties who have entered into a contractual agreement with the AU and have reported suspicions of fraud or corruption shall not discuss the matter with anyone other than the person to whom the report is made or as otherwise directed. The Union shall take all appropriate measures to ensure that the information reported is disclosed only to the persons handling the investigation and remains strictly confidential.”