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Outbreak Brief 6: Monkeypox in Africa Union Member States

17 Agosti 2022

Global Update (non-endemic countries): As of 16 August 2022, 38,019 confirmed cases of monkeypox and 110 deaths were reported from 93 countries/territories globally. The countries reporting the majority of cases are mainly in Europe and North America.
Africa update (endemic3 and non-endemic countries): Since the last brief (11 August 2022), 285 new cases (31 confirmed; 254 suspected) and one new death of monkeypox (case-fatality rate [CFR]: 0.4%) were reported from Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria, the Republic of Congo and South Africa. This is a 62% decrease in the number of new confirmed cases since the last brief. Over 90% of the new confirmed cases were reported from Ghana and Nigeria. Cumulatively, 3,232 cases (411 confirmed cases and 2,821 suspected cases) with 105 deaths (CFR: 3.2%) were reported from 11 AU MS since January 2022 (Table 1).