Explainer – Declaration of Public Health Emergency of Continental Security

1. What is the current situation of the Mpox outbreak in Africa? 2. Why declare it a Public Health Emergency of Continental Security? The declaration of Mpox as a Public Health Emergency of Continental Security by Africa CDC is a strategic decision to strengthen the collective and coordinated response to the outbreak across the continent. […]

Explicatif – Déclaration d’Urgence Sanitaire de Sécurité Continentale

Quelle est la situation actuelle de l’épidémie de variole de singe en Afrique ? 17 541 cas de Mpox dont 517 décès ont été reportés dans 12 pays  africains en 2024: 1 en Afrique australe : Afrique du Sud 3 Afrique de l’Est : Kenya, Rwanda, Ouganda 5 en Afrique centrale : RDC, Burundi, RCA, Congo Brazza, Cameroun […]

Africa CDC Epidemic Intelligence Weekly Report, August 2024

Welcome to our Epidemic Intelligence Weekly Report, your trusted source for real-time updates on priority events of concern on the continent. The narrative brought to you focuses on three main areas: the epidemiological situation, event assessment (risk assessment and geoscope) and public health interventions by the affected Member State, partners, and Africa CDC. Every week […]

Operational Guide for Establishing and Implementing Mortality Surveillance in Africa, July 2024

PREFACE In response to the growing necessity for accurate and timely information regarding deaths categorized by age, sex, and cause of death, underscored by the profound impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) developed the Continental Framework designed to fortify mortality surveillance within the African Union Member […]

Strengthening Cross-Border Surveillance and Information Sharing in Africa

Executive Summary The African Union Member States (AU MS) face significant health threats, particularly infectious diseases, due to its overstretched public health systems and infrastructure. Despite Its remarkable improvements and growth in health sector service delivery in recent times, the African continent remains under-resourced. At the same time, the continent bears over 24% of the […]

Africa CDC Epidemic Intelligence Weekly Report, July 2024

Welcome to our Epidemic Intelligence Weekly Report, your trusted source for real-time updates on priority events of concern on the continent. The narrative brought to you focuses on three main areas: the epidemiological situation, event assessment (risk assessment and geoscope) and public health interventions by the affected Member State, partners, and Africa CDC. Every week […]

Africa CDC Epidemic Intelligence Weekly Report, June 2024

Welcome to our Epidemic Intelligence Weekly Report, your trusted source for real-time updates on priority events of concern on the continent. The narrative brought to you focuses on three main areas: the epidemiological situation, event assessment (risk assessment and geoscope) and public health interventions by the affected Member State, partners, and Africa CDC. Every week […]

Africa CDC Epidemic Intelligence Weekly Report, May 2024

Welcome to our Epidemic Intelligence Weekly Report, your trusted source for real-time updates on priority events of concern on the continent. The narrative brought to you focuses on three main areas: the epidemiological situation, event assessment (risk assessment and geoscope) and public health interventions by the affected Member State, partners, and Africa CDC. Every week […]