Africa CDC – Mastercard Foundation: Saving Lives and Livelihoods Newsletter, August 2022

In June 2021, the Mastercard Foundation partnered with the Africa CDC to launch a $1.5 billion initiative called Saving Lives and Livelihoods. Together, we are purchasing vaccines for more than 65 million people, deploying vaccines to millions more across the continent, enabling vaccine manufacturing in Africa by developing the workforce, and strengthening the Africa CDC’s […]

Africa CDC – Mastercard Foundation: Saving Lives and Livelihoods Newsletter, July 2022

In June 2021, the Mastercard Foundation partnered with the Africa CDC to launch a $1.5 billion initiative called Saving Lives and Livelihoods. Together, we are purchasing vaccines for more than 65 million people, deploying vaccines to millions more across the continent, enabling vaccine manufacturing in Africa by developing the workforce, and strengthening the Africa CDC’s […]

High-level Side Event at the AU Mid-Year Coordination Meeting

Invitation to representatives of the media OVERVIEW: A High-level side event under the theme: “Strengthening Public Health Emergency Operations Centres in Africa: A Call to Action”. Happening on the side-lines of the 41st Ordinary Session of the Executive Council of the African Union and the 4th Mid-Year Coordination Meeting of the AU and the Regional […]

Africa CDC – Mastercard Foundation: Saving Lives and Livelihoods Newsletter, June 2022

In June 2021, the Mastercard Foundation partnered with the Africa CDC to launch a $1.5 billion initiative called Saving Lives and Livelihoods. Together, we are purchasing vaccines for more than 65 million people, deploying vaccines to millions more across the continent, enabling vaccine manufacturing in Africa by developing the workforce, and strengthening the Africa CDC’s […]

Africa CDC – Mastercard Foundation: Saving Lives and Livelihoods Newsletter, May 2022

In June 2021, the Mastercard Foundation partnered with the Africa CDC to launch a $1.5 billion initiative called Saving Lives and Livelihoods. Together, we are purchasing vaccines for more than 65 million people, deploying vaccines to millions more across the continent, enabling vaccine manufacturing in Africa by developing the workforce, and strengthening the Africa CDC’s […]

Communiqué of the Video-Teleconference (vtc) Meeting of the Bureau of the Assembly of the African Union (AU) Heads of State and Government extended to African Vaccine Manufacturing countries held on 10 may 2022

His Excellency President Macky Sall, President of the Republic of Senegal, and Chairperson of the African Union (AU) convened a video-teleconference Meeting of the Bureau of the Assembly of African Union (AU) Heads of State and Government extended to the African Vaccine Manufacturing Countries on 10 May 2022. Members of the Bureau of the Assembly […]

Epidemiological and Economic Impact of COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout Scenarios in Africa

KEY MESSAGES 1. A retrospective analysis of data from 27 countries in Africa yields evidence that, compared to a no vaccination scenario, rolling out of vaccines will likely be cost-effective, averting many cases, hospitalizations, and deaths due to COVID-19. 2. COVID-19 vaccination programmes with earlier start dates and faster rollout rates tend to yield greater […]

Africa CDC – Mastercard Foundation: Saving Lives and Livelihoods Newsletter, April 2022

In June 2021, the Mastercard Foundation partnered with the Africa CDC to launch a $1.5 billion initiative called Saving Lives and Livelihoods. Together, we are purchasing vaccines for more than 65 million people, deploying vaccines to millions more across the continent, enabling vaccine manufacturing in Africa by developing the workforce, and strengthening the Africa CDC’s […]