Empowering Africa’s healthcare future: the crucial role of human capital development in bio- and pharmaceutical manufacturing

Introduction Africa, a continent of immense potential and diversity, has long grappled with complex healthcare challenges. The COVID-19 pandemic has accentuated the urgency of fortifying the continent’s healthcare infrastructure. The Africa Union has since set a target to manufacture 60% of vaccines used on the continent locally by 2040, and established the Partnership for African […]

Business and Operational Models for African Biomanufacturing Training Centres

Introduction & Background The African Union (AU) has set an ambitious goal to increase local vaccine production to 60% of the continent’s requirements by 2040. The AU’s Partnerships for African Vaccine Manufacturing (PAVM), hosted by the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC), was established in 2021 and estimates between 900-1600 current Full […]

Meeting Report: Optimizing Efficiency and Impact in the African Clinical Trials Ecosystem

Executive Summary In May 2023, Africa CDC and AUDA-NEPAD convened sixty experts from across the continent and the globe to discuss concrete solutions for strengthening the impact and efficiency of the African clinical trials ecosystem, with the goal of speeding access to new lifesaving technologies in line with public health priorities. This meeting—rooted in aspirations […]

Vaccine R&D and Vaccine Manufacturing Competency Frameworks

FOREWORD I am delighted to introduce the Competency Frameworks for Vaccine Manufacturing and Research and Development Competency Frameworks, which have been prepared through collaborative efforts with key stakeholders in the industry,  supported by Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC). The Competency Frameworks are essential tools for ongoing assessment of training needs, the […]

Laboratory Equipment Management, A Guidance to African Union Member States

Executive Summary In recent years, African countries have made great advances in capacity for laboratory testing for clinical use, surveillance and public health emergency management, and for research and development through substantial investments in infrastructure, including the deployment of large numbers of laboratory analyzers. However, weaknesses in laboratory equipment management remain key concerns and threaten […]

Current and planned vaccine manufacturing in Africa: Results from a joint assessment by Africa CDC, CHAI, and PATH

Study methodology Between December 2022 and March 2023, a collaborative team with representatives from Africa CDC, CHAI, and PATH engaged vaccine manufacturers across Africa on their current and planned production Current and planned vaccine manufacturing in Africa Results from a joint assessment by Africa CDC, CHAI, and PATH capacity, technical and commercial capabilities, and supporting […]