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Statement to African Union Member States on the deployment of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine to the continent and concerns about adverse event reports coming from Europe

Context On 15 February 2021, the World Health Organization listed the AstraZeneca/Oxford COVID-19 vaccine for both emergency use and distribution via the COVAX facility. The African Regulatory Taskforce subsequently endorsed the WHO emergency use listing for this vaccine and the first shipments to Africa were initiated from the COVAX facility, with Ghana receiving the first […]

Report: Virtual Meeting on The African COVID-19 Vaccine Financing and Deployment Strategy

Key points • The COVID-19 pandemic has caused devastation on the African continent, with more than 3.4 million confirmed cases and nearly 87,000 COVID-19 deaths to date; it has also severely impacted the continental economy, education, health programmes and other elements critical to Africa’s Agenda 2063. • Since the beginning of the pandemic, the African […]

African Union and the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Africa Regulatory Taskforce has endorsed the Emergency Used Authorization for Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine

The Africa Regulatory Taskforce is a joint effort established by the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC), the African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD) coordinated African Medicines Regulatory Harmonization (AMRH) Initiative, and the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) African Vaccine Regulatory Forum (AVAREF) to enable and provide support for an effective regulatory framework for […]

Online Course: Psychological First Aid (Africa Version)

What is psychological first aid (PFA)? Psychological First Aid (PFA) is a straightforward way of delivering psychosocial care in the immediate aftermath of emergencies, including infectious disease outbreaks. This course explores what Psychosocial care involves, relating to people in a caring and compassionate way without judgement and in a way that respects their rights, beliefs […]

Statement on Postponement of 1st International Conference on Public Health in Africa

02 February 2021, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia — The Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) is announcing the postponement of the inaugural International Conference on Public Health in Africa (CPHIA), originally scheduled to be held as an in-person event from 12-14 May 2021 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. In light of many African nations currently experiencing a second […]

Framework for Supply Chain Management for Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response

Introduction Emerging and re-emerging pathogens over the last 40 years have highlighted the need for a balanced and well-managed input of resources, like fixed medical equipment and consumable-like medical supplies and medicines to effectively mitigate the effects of these pathogens. Between 2001 and 2016, out of the 5,462 public health events recorded by WHO, 1,508 […]

Orientation training for COVID-19 & Community Health Workers

Introduction • Community Health Workers (CHWs) are an essential part of the Partnership to Accelerate COVID-19 Testing (PACT) Initiative • Africa CDC set up PACT to drive forward the Africa Union Joint Continental Strategy for COVID-19 which aims to: • Prevent the spread of COVID-19 • Prevent deaths from COVID-19 • Reduce the social and […]