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Wang Xiochun

Senior Advisor, Disease Control


Dr Wang Xiaochun is a professor of epidemiology and has worked for more than 30 years at China CDC on infectious disease prevention and control, especially cholera, typhoid fever, sexually transmitted diseases, HIV/AIDS, and hepatitis. He currently serves as Senior Advisor for Disease Control at Africa CDC. From 1997 to 2000 Dr Wang worked as National Programme Coordinator for the European Union-China Training Program on STDs and HIV/AIDS. He was Director, International Cooperation and Programme Management Office and Chief Manager of the China Global Funds HIV/AIDS Programme of the National Center for AIDS and STD Prevention and Control (NCAIDS) in China CDC from 2001 to 2012. From 2013 to 2015, Dr Wang was Director, Department of Hepatitis C and STD Prevention and Control of the NCAIDS. Since 2016, Dr Wang has been working as acting director of the Center for Global Public Health at China CDC, responsible for the development and implementation of global public health policy and strategy, leading the China-Sierra Leone technical cooperation programme, and supporting the establishment of Africa CDC. Dr Xiaochun had chaired a certain number of task groups to develop and implement national programmes for the past 20 years, including HIV voluntary testing and counselling, expanded HIV testing in STD clinics, and surveillance system and emergency response to hepatitis C. He has extensive experience in project design, implementation and management. From 2002 to 2012, he led working groups that secured Global Fund for and managed several HIV/AIDS programmes. During April 2007 to March 2008, he worked as technical officer HIV/STI at the WHO regional office and was a member of the WHO/WPRO Hepatitis Expert Advisory Group. Dr Wang holds a master’s degree in community health and health management at the University of Heidelberg (Germany) and a doctorate degree in infectious and tropical diseases at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (UK).

Wang Xiochun