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Partnership to Accelerate COVID-19 Testing: Scaling up Rapid Antigen Self-testing

The African Union Joint Continental Strategy for COVID-19 endorsed by Africa Health Ministers and the Bureau of Heads of State and Governments of the African Union aims to implement well-coordinated actions and strong partnerships to strengthen the effectiveness of COVID-19 response across Africa. To continue to combat COVID-19 in 2022, the Africa CDC will focus […]

L’Afrique annonce le déploiement de 400 millions de doses de vaccins dans les États membres de l’Union africaine et des Caraïbes

ADDIS-ABEBA, le 5 août 2021 – Son Excellence le Président Cyril Ramaphosa, Président de la République d’Afrique du Sud et Chef de file de la lutte contre la COVID-19 menée par l’Union africaine (UA), est heureux d’annoncer le début des livraisons de vaccins acquis par l’Union africaine (UA), à travers le Fonds africain pour l’acquisition […]

African Union and Africa CDC launches Partnerships for African Vaccine Manufacturing (PAVM), framework to achieve it and signs 2 MoUs

African Union Heads of State and over 40,000 esteemed participants attended a virtual summit on Expanding Africa’s Vaccine Manufacturing for Health Security from 12-13 April 2021. PREAMBLE RECALLING that during 22 February 2020 emergency meeting of African Ministers of Health, Ministers endorsed the Africa Joint Continental Strategy for COVID-19 outbreak, including Africa CDC’s leadership role […]