Call for Applications | The Africa CDC Bingwa Plus Initiative

The Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) in partnership with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH Office to the African Union and YouthHubAfrica is pleased to announce the call for applications for Bingwa PLUS, an incubator for young African health champions passionate about improving the health of their communities. What is Bingwa […]
Call for Applications Manuscript Writing Workshop

The Journal for Public Health in Africa, in collaboration with Africa CDC, invites applications for a Manuscript Writing Workshop to be held on the sidelines of the upcoming Conference for Public Health in Africa that will be held in Rabat, Morocco. Eligibility:Early-career researchers working on priority diseases in Africa. The priority diseases are Anthrax, Avian […]
Appel à Candidatures: Pre-conférence des Jeunes du CDC Afrique 2024 (YPC2024)

“Amplifier la voix des jeunes : Les Jeunes façonnent les Politiques, les Pratiques et la Recherche en matière de santé en Afrique” Contexte La Pré-Conférence des Jeunes du CDC Afrique (PCJ) est une initiative du CDC Afrique pour les jeunes qui se tient chaque année en marge de la Conférence Internationale sur la Santé Publique […]
Call for Applications: 2024 Africa CDC Youth Pre-Conference (YPC2024)

“Amplifying Youth Voices: Youth Shaping Health Policy, Practice and Research in Africa” Background The Africa CDC Youth Pre-Conference (YPC) is an Africa CDC youth initiative held annually at the margins of the International Conference on Public Health in Africa (CPHIA). It brings together young African public health professionals from all over the continent and the […]
Call for applications: The Africa CDC and DCVMN Launches hands-on training in vaccine technology transfer at Hilleman Laboratories in Singapore

Background The African Union (AU)/ Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) have called for a New Public Health Order to safeguard the health and economic security of the continent as it strives to meet the aspirations of Agenda 2063. A key pillar of this mandate seeks to expand the local manufacturing of […]
Call for Applications: 2023 Africa CDC Youth Pre Conference (#YPC2023)

Background Leveraging youth engagement for the Success of the New Public Health Order for Africa African youth constitute over 65% of the African population, and behind this number are young health professionals and health advocates who hold great potential to innovate and advance Africa’s health. They play a critical role in African countries in promoting […]
Call for Applications: Mortality Surveillance E-Learning Course

Reliable and timely information on cause-specific mortality data is a critical part of identifying emerging health problems and a fundamental component of evidence-based health policy development, implementation, and evaluation. The Africa Union, through Africa CDC, is developing tools to guide the measurement of the population-level impact of public health threats such as regional and global epidemics […]
Call for applications: The Africa CDC Launches short-course training in vaccine manufacturing standard practices (GxP) at the International Vaccine Institute (IVI)

Background The African Union (AU)/ Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) have called for a New Public Health Order which will safeguard the health and economic security of the continent as it strives to meet the aspirations of Agenda 2063. A key pillar of this mandate seeks to expand the local manufacture […]
Call for Application: Africa CDC – Pathogen Genomics and Bioinformatics Fellowship Program

The Africa CDC – Pathogen Genomics and Bioinformatics Fellowship Program is a continental workforce development program targeting national public health institutions and laboratories in the African Union Member States to improve the use of pathogen genomic data for outbreak detection and disease surveillance. The fellowship is program is implemented in partnership with the African Society […]
Call for Applications: African Public Health Emergency Management Fellowship

ContextCombating the several public health threats across the African continent requires adequately trained and equipped workforce.Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) has called for a new public health order that includes workforce development, suitably aligned with the vision of the African Union (AU) and its desire to build capacity in public health […]