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Outbreak Brief 13: COVID-19 Pandemic – 14 April 2020

Since the last brief (7 April 2020), 562,026 new confirmed coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases and 44,014 new deaths have been reported globally. This is a 46% increase in cases reported. To date, a total of 1,773,987 COVID-19 cases and 111,680 (CFR: 6%) related deaths have been reported worldwide. Two new countries and territories are reporting cases and five new countries and territories, including four African countries, are reporting deaths for the first time this week. The distribution of cumulative cases (proportion of global cases %) from the WHO reporting regions (excluding Africa) are as follows: Eastern Mediterranean Region 94,995 (5%), European Region 913,349 (52%), Region of the Americas 610,742 (34%), South-East Asia Region 16,883 (1%), and Western Pacific Region 122,138 (7%).

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