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- Create Date 16 March 2023
- Last Updated 16 March 2023
Statute of the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC)
We, the Member States of the African Union:
WHEREAS our declaration at the African Union Special Summit on HIV, TB and Malaria (ATM) in Abuja in July 2013, in which we took cognizance of the need for an Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) to conduct life-saving research on priority health problems in Africa and to serve as a platform to share knowledge and build capacity in responding to public health emergencies and threats;
RECALLING decision Assembly/AU/Dec.499 (XXII) adopted at the 22nd Ordinary Session of the Assembly held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, in January 2014 that stressed the urgency of establishing the Africa CDC and requested the Commission to submit a report to the Assembly in January 2015 that will include the legal, structural and financial implications of the establishment of the Africa CDC;
NOTING the decision of the 1st African Ministers of Health meeting jointly convened by the African Union Commission (the Commission) and World Health Organization (WHO) held in Luanda, Angola, from 16 to 17 April 2014, in which the Ministers committed themselves to the implementation of Decision Assembly/AU/Dec.499 (XXII) and requested the Commission and WHO, in collaboration with relevant stakeholders, to provide technical support towards the establishment of the Africa CDC;
COGNIZANT of the decision of the Executive Council at its 16th Extra-ordinary Session devoted to the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) outbreak held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on 8 September 2014, in which the Council decided, inter alia, to request the Commission to “Take all the necessary steps for the rapid establishment of an Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) pursuant to Assembly Decision AU/Dec.499 (XXII) on the establishment of the Africa CDC; and ensure the functioning of the Africa CDC, together with the establishment of regional centres by mid-2015, including the enhancement of the early warning systems to address in a timely and effective manner all the health emergencies and the coordination and harmonization of health domestic regulations and interventions as well as the exchange of information on good experiences and best practices”;
RECALLING decision Assembly/AU/Dec.554 (XXIV) adopted at the 24th Ordinary Session of the Assembly held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in January 2015 in which the Assembly endorsed the establishment of the Africa CDC and approved that the Coordination Office should initially be located at the Headquarters of the African Union in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia;
WHEREAS in decsion Assembly/AU/Dec.835(XXXV) adopted at its 35th Ordinary Session in February 2022 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, the Assembly decided to delegate its authority to the Executive Council to consider during it 41st Ordinary Session the endorsement of the amendements to the Africa CDC Statute in line with its financial, structural and legal implications in order to streghthen the functioning, capacity and capability of the Africa CDC.
(Download the Statute for more details)
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Statute of the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - ARA | Download |
Statute of the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - ENG | Download |
Statute of the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - FRE | Download |
Statute of the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - POR | Download |
Statute of the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - SPA | Download |