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- Create Date 17 November 2017
- Last Updated 25 October 2019
Declaration on Accelerating Implementation of International Health Regulations in Africa
We, the Heads of State and Government meeting in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia at the 29th Ordinary Session of African Union Assembly from 3 to 4 July 2017;
Deeply Concerned about the increasing public health events and recurrent epidemics on our continent and their enormous socio-economic impact, as well as the inadequate implementation of the International Health regulations (IHR);
Noting the progress made so far in improving the health security of Africa in general and in particular controlling the Ebola outbreak in West Africa as well as ongoing efforts in tackling Yellow Fever, Zika, Chikungunya, Cholera among others;
Mindful of the efforts being made by the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) in disease surveillance, detection and response including emergency preparedness, as well as its important role in further strengthening the International Health Regulations (IHR) on our continent;
Mindful also of the important role played by the Commission, the World Health Organization (WHO), and other stakeholders in the improvement of Health security in Africa;
Recognizing that a fundamental part of the governments' basic duty is to protect its citizens against health insecurity, risks and emergencies and Considering the importance of meeting IHR core capacities in disease outbreak prevention, preparedness and response;
- Accelerate the implementation of IHR at national, provincial and local levels with a clear road map and monitoring mechanisms;
- Put in place multi-sectorial mechanisms to accelerate the implementation of IHR;
- Mobilize the necessary resources to implement the road maps for acceleration of implementation of IHR.
REQUEST the Commission, the Africa CDC in collaboration with WHO and other stakeholders to:
- Provide the necessary technical support to Member States for accelerating the implementation of IHR;
- Monitor and report the implementation of IHR within the context of the framework for collaboration between WHO and the Commission on the establishment and operationalization of Africa CDC to improve health security in Africa;
- Submit biennial report of the implementation of IHR at the Assembly at the January Ordinary Session.
Attached Files
File | Action |
Declaration accelerating implementation IHR Africa (English) | Download |
Declaration accelerating implementation IHR Africa (French) | Download |
Declaration accelerating implementation IHR Africa (Arabic) | Download |
Declaration accelerating implementation IHR Africa (Portuguese) | Download |