Africa CDC Weekly Event Based Surveillance Report, September 2023

Welcome to our Event-Based Surveillance Weekly Report, your trusted source for real-time updates on priority events of concern on the continent. The narrative brought to you focuses on three main areas: the epidemiological situation, event assessment (risk assessment and geoscope) and public health interventions by the affected Member State, partners, and Africa CDC. Every week […]
Africa CDC Weekly Event Based Surveillance Report, August 2023

Update to Event: Since the beginning of this year, 176,341 cases (84,140 confirmed; 92,201 suspected) and 2,764 deaths [Case Fatality Ratio (CFR): 1.6%] of cholera were reported from 17 AU MS: Burundi (603 cases; 9 deaths), Cameroon (19,885; 480), Congo (93; 9), Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) (31,342; 230), Eswatini (2; 0), Ethiopia (17,007; 209), […]
Africa CDC Weekly Event Based Surveillance Report, July 2023

Update to event: Since the beginning of this year, 163,970 cases (81,637 confirmed; 82,333 suspected) and 2,583 deaths (case fatalityratio [CFR]: 1.6%) of cholera were reported from 16 African Union (AU) Member States (MS): Burundi (536 cases; 9deaths), Cameroon (19,489; 463), Democratic Republic of Congo (23,513; 138), Eswatini (2; 0), Ethiopia (14,835;172), Kenya (8,566; 140), […]
Africa CDC Event-based Surveillance Resources

Acknowledgements The Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) would like to thank all the contributors whose efforts helped to create and develop both the original and this revised version of the Africa CDC Event-based Surveillance Framework. The technical working group that contributed to the production of this revised version was led by […]