Senior Health Financing Officer

Job purpose:
The purpose of this job is to support the Africa CDC Health Economics Programme (HEP) in undertaking.
activities in the following areas:
Evidence translation: The HEP works to deliver various technical analyses or evidence translation
initiatives in support of the Africa CDC and Member States. The Officer will provide support to this
process, working with other HEP staff and often engaging one-to-one with consultants and members of
expert working groups, ensuring work sufficiently addresses policy needs and leading the dissemination
and use of findings.
Evidence generation: Undertake or oversee the delivery of other applied analyses in line with the HEP’s
strategy and implementation plan. In addition to supporting existing work, several other priorities for
evidence generation are undertaken. The Officer will steer assigned portfolio of planned analyses, provide
technical support to junior analysts, and engage with relevant stakeholders to ensure policy relevance.
Partnership development: Work with Head of the HEP to map potential partners and develop concept
notes for new partnerships or collaborations to deliver on the HEP strategic vision. The HEP is a nascent
and expanding programme. The Officer will work under the supervision of the Head of HEP to develop
concept notes for strategic partnerships.
Stakeholder engagement: Beyond formal partnerships, the HEP has developed a diverse network of key
stakeholders, including other teams, and collaborating centres within ACDC, Ministries of Health in ACDC
member states, universities, development partners and UN organisations. The Officer will support the HEP
Head to map relevant stakeholders and maintain and strengthen relationships.
Operating model: Support the development of HEP operational processes, including standard operating
procedures for core HEP activities. This could include induction materials for new staff, notes on ways of
working for common HEP activities and initial systems for knowledge management.