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Idara ya Kudhibiti na Kuzuia Magonjwa

Establishing and strengthening capacity of Member States to prevent and control endemic diseases, neglected tropical diseases, and non-communicable diseases, including mental health

The mandate of the Division of Disease Control and Prevention is to establish and strengthen capacity of Member States to prevent and control endemic diseases, neglected tropical diseases, and non-communicable diseases (including mental health) by identifying, leveraging, and integrating existing public health assets and human resources on the continent to achieve universal healthcare coverage. The division consists of three units, namely the unit of endemic diseases and neglected tropical diseases, that of non-communicable diseases and mental health, and that of universal healthcare coverage.

Main objective

To strengthen Africa’s Health systems for the control and prevention of communicable and non communicable diseases to achieve positive health outcomes

Strategic Objectives

  • To build and strengthen capacity of Member States to prevent and control non-communicable diseases and mental ill-health
  • To build and strengthen capacity of Member States to prevent and control endemic diseases and neglected tropical diseases
  • To build and strengthen capacity of Member States for integrated and sustainable community health workers programs on the continent towards Universal Health Coverage
  • To operationalize and strengthen regional integrated surveillance and laboratory networks (RISLNET) in the regions to rapidly identify and respond to public health threats across the continent



Coordinating and integrating public health laboratory, surveillance and emergency response assets to effectively support prevention, rapid detection and response to current and emerging public health threats within defined geographic regions of Africa

Unit of Endemic Diseases and Neglected Tropical Diseases

Reducing morbidity and mortality related to HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, viral hepatitis, and Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs)

Unit of Non-Communicable Diseases and Mental Health

Prevention and control of Non-Communicable Diseases and Mental health on the continent

Unit of Universal Healthcare Coverage

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