Funga kisanduku hiki cha kutafutia.

Mpango wa Kuokoa Maisha na Riziki, Hati ya Athari za Tanzania

The Saving Lives and Livelihoods initiative was launched in Tanzania in October 2022, and as of March 2023, the initiative had already surpassed its target by 144%, with over 5 million COVID-19 doses administered. Additionally, more than 104% of the target population aged 18 and above have been vaccinated, with the Africa CDC Saving Lives […]

Kupitishwa kwa mbinu jumuishi ya nyumba kwa nyumba katika kufikia maili ya mwisho katika chanjo za COVID-19: Kesi ya Kijiji cha Noonkopir katika Kaunti ya Kajiado, Kenya.

In March 2022, the Kenyan Ministry of Health lifted all COVID-19 restrictions, including wearing of masks, restrictions on large crowd gatherings, and quarantine measures for confirmed COVID-19 cases. This move not only reduced the risk perception of COVID-19 among citizens but also saw related mass media messaging drastically reduced, especially on mainstream media platforms, which […]

Miaka miwili baadaye, mpango wa Kuokoa Maisha na Riziki unasimamia dozi milioni 32 za Chanjo ya COVID-19 na kuimarisha mifumo ya afya barani Afrika.

The Saving Lives and Livelihoods initiative, a historic $1.5 billion partnership between Mastercard Foundation and the Africa CDC, has achieved significant milestones two years after its launch in June 2021. As of June 2023, the initiative has administered over 32 million COVID-19 vaccine doses, contributing to the full vaccination of 52 percent target population in […]

Africa CDC Urgent Support to Avert COVID-19 Vaccines Expiry in Africa

COVID-19 vaccines are a fundamental tool for controlling the ongoing pandemic, minimising social disruption and economic consequences, and further decreasing the emergence of new variants. The start of 2021 was momentous for the continent as the first COVID-19 vaccines were received through the COVID-19 Vaccines Global Access, known as the COVAX facility. The continent instantly […]