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Africa CDC Epidemic Intelligence Weekly Report, October 2024

Welcome to our Epidemic Intelligence Weekly Report, your trusted source for real-time updates on priority events of concern on the continent. The narrative brought to you focuses on three main areas: the epidemiological situation, event assessment (risk assessment and geoscope) and public health interventions by the affected Member State, partners, and Africa CDC. Every week we highlight events reported to Africa CDC that rank from moderate to very high risk as per the Africa CDC risk assessment tool.

Geographic Focus: Reports could either focus on events affecting single country or multiple countries.

Inclusion criteria: While Africa CDC continues to track all public health events on the continent, this report highlights only moderate to very high-risk events (with new updates in the reporting week).

Events: We focus on a range of health threats, ranging from emerging infectious diseases to endemic conditions, and natural disasters. We follow a one-health multisectoral approach highlighting events across all relevant sectors: animal, environmental and human.

This Event-Based Surveillance Weekly Report is your compass for navigating Africa’s public health landscape. We empower you with the latest information and insights, for informed decisions and effective interventions to attain a healthy and prosperous Africa.

Stay informed. Stay vigilant. Stay safe.

Pakua Faili