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Ebola Virus Disease Outbreak – 15 November 2019

15 Novemba 2019


Epidemic curve for confirmed and probable cases by date of onset

10th Ebola outbreak, DRC, 2018–2019

Affected areas

Africa CDC response activities this week

  • The Regional Collaborating Centres continued to support preparedness in Member States, including sharing information and discussing preparedness plans during the weekly ECHO sessions.
  • Africa CDC volunteers and experts supported tracing of 1722 contacts and investigation of 3070 alerts, including active case-finding for 1533 suspected cases.
  • Africa CDC teams made 92 visits to health care facilities and trained 202 health care workers in infection prevention and risk communication. They evaluated 29 health care facilities and accompanied 246 health care workers to ensure compliance with infection prevention measures.
  • Africa CDC-supported laboratories received samples and tested 1867 samples.

Update from Member States

Africa CDC intensified EVD preparedness in South Sudan over the last week through coordination, surveillance and laboratory assessment and trainings. Key activities included the following:

  • Developed five terms of reference for key incident management system positions.
  • Trained two lab technicians from each of the 3 assessed labs on Gene Xpert testing.
  • Oriented operation section team on surveillance system integration in public health EOC.
  • Supervised the improvement of public health EOC call centre operations.
  • Coordinated the orientation of watch staff on event-based surveillance and media monitoring.
  • Financially supported and fully participated in Gene Xpert pre-installation assessment in laboratories in 3 states (Yei River, Maridi and Tambura).