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Outbreak Brief 12: Monkeypox in Africa Union Member States

27 Setembro 2022

Global Update (non-endemic countries): As of 27 September 2022, 66,551 confirmed cases of monkeypox and 149 deaths were reported from 106 countries/territories globally. The countries reporting the majority of cases are mainly in Europe and North America.

Africa update (endemic and non-endemic countries): Since the beginning of 2022, the continent has reported 5,481 cases (704 confirmed; 4,777 suspected) and 143 deaths (CFR: 2.6%) of monkeypox from eight endemic Africa Union (AU) Member States (MS): Benin (3 suspected; 3 confirmed; 0 deaths), Cameroon (29; 7; 2), CAR (17; 8; 2), Congo (14; 5; 3), DRC (3,444; 174; 125), Ghana (535; 84; 4), Liberia (31; 2; 0), Nigeria (704; 400; 6) and four non-endemic MS: Egypt (0; 2; 0), Morocco (0; 3; 0), South Africa (0; 5; 0) and Sudan (0; 11; 0). This week, a total of 254 new cases and six new deaths from monkeypox were reported from DRC, Egypt, Nigeria and Sudan.
DRC: Since the last brief (7 September 2022), 127 new cases (9 confirmed; 118 suspected) and five new deaths (CFR: 2.2%) of monkeypox were reported in DRC. Cumulatively, 3,618 cases (174 confirmed; 3,444 suspected) and 125 deaths (CFR: 3.3%) were reported from 128 health zones in 21 provinces of DRC.
Egypt: The MoH reported a new confirmed case of monkeypox. The case is a 52-year-old male with a travel history to the Arab Gulf. Cumulatively, two confirmed cases and no deaths of monkeypox were reported from Egypt.
Nigeria: Since the last brief (7 September 2022), the Nigeria Center for Disease Control (NCDC) reported 123 new confirmed cases and no new deaths of monkeypox in Nigeria. This is greater than a 100% increase in the number of new confirmed cases compared to the last report. Cumulatively, 1,104 cases (400 confirmed; 704 suspected) and six deaths (CFR: 0.5%) of monkeypox were reported from 34 states and the federal capital
Sudan: The Ministry of Health (MoH) reported three new confirmed cases and one new death (CFR: 14%) of monkeypox. This is greater than a 100% increase in the number of cases compared to the last report. Cumulatively, 11 confirmed cases and one death (CFR: 9%) were reported from Sudan