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Préparation et réponse aux situations d'urgence

Supporting Member States to develop and implement comprehensive, regularly tested preparedness and response plans.


Ensured effective public health emergency preparedness and response. 

Objectifs stratégiques

  1. Support the development and testing of multi-hazard and multi-sectoral preparedness and response plans for public health emergencies at national, regional and continental levels.
  2. Support the development of surge capacity at national, regional and continental levels that integrates the capabilities of NPHIs and RCCs. 
  3. Support the establishment of functional national Public Health Emergency Operation Centres (PHEOC) as part of NPHIs. 
  4. Establish and manage national and regional stockpiles for public health emergency response. 
  5. Facilitate and promote sustained partnerships for multi-sectoral coordination and collaboration.




African Volunteers Health Corps

The African Health Volunteers Corps (AVoHC) is a team of African volunteer medical and public health professionals established by the African Union to support emergency response to disease outbreaks in Africa.