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Africa Mask Week 23-30 November 2020

In partnership with the Pandemic Action Network, the African Union Office of the Youth Envoy, African Youth Front on Coronavirus, Resolve to Save Lives, and over 70 other organizations, Africa CDC launched this campaign to encourage and increase consistent and proper mask-wearing across Africa. Join us and spread the word about #AfricaMaskWeek.  

How you can support #AfricaMaskWeek on social media?

  • Download the #AfricaMaskWeek infographic messages on this page to adapt and share them across your digital platforms.
  • Highlight your involvement throughout the week by using the hashtag #AfricaMaskWeek and #WearAMask.
  • Follow, retweet, share or like the #AfricaMaskWeek content on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and other social media platforms.
  • Create and share your own content with people across your organization or community wearing a mask during the #AfricaMaskWeek.
  • Tag #AfricaMaskWeek in your social media posts and we will amplify your posts with partners and through our social channels.
  • Make it personal: Issue a #WearAMask challenge to your followers by posting a photo of yourself wearing a mask tagging #WearAMask #AfricaMaskWeek and your contacts so they can do the same!
Télécharger les fichiers
Africa Mask Week logosTélécharger 
COVID is still spreadingTélécharger 
Continue these measuresTélécharger 
How to participateTélécharger 
Keep masking to protect your communityTélécharger 
My mask protects you, your mask protects meTélécharger 
People Can Have COVID19 Without Feeling SickTélécharger 
Save the dateTélécharger 
Shout out to the young peopleTélécharger 
Take a mask selfieTélécharger 
Thanks to all healthcare workersTélécharger 
Use Your Mask SafelyTélécharger 
Wear a mask to protect your eldersTélécharger 
Wear a mask does not mean you are sickTélécharger 
Wear a mask to protect your familyTélécharger 
Editable Files (350MB)Télécharger