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Webinar on Cross Country Learning for Community Health System Strengthening

Theme: Surging Frontline Health Workers for Pandemic Preparedness and Response.Co-hosted by H.E. Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, Former President of Liberia and Dr. John Nkengasong, Director of Africa CDC. We will discuss implementation of the PACT CHW initiative and share experiences, triumphs and challenges with implementing and scaling integrated community health systems towards the Universal Health coverage agenda. […]


Date: Monday, 23 November 2020Time: 6.00 pm EAT | 3.00 pm GMT | 4.00 pm SAST | 4.00 pm WAT Connect to the event through this link: https://zoom.us/j/91657111736?pwd=TEQxY0pEYlpXUldCWjBZcXFCZGQzZz09Meeting ID: 916 5711 1736Passcode: 072567 Speakers Dr John NkengasongDirector, Africa Centres forDisease Control and Prevention Gabrielle FitzgeraldCEO and Founder, PanoramaCo-founder, Pandemic Action Network Aya ChebbiAfrican Union Youth […]